June 29, 2023
The past year has been one of challenges and opportunities!
After extensive re-opening plans and COVID-19 guidelines were developed, we were able to return to in-person meetings and treatment sessions, while continuing our hybrid model that included virtual opportunities for staff and families. This has proven to be popular and we’re continuing with this progressive approach. Also very popular is our new extended hours, of which our families asked for, and we listened!
We are very excited about the launch of our new five year Strategic Plan, which highlights, in the midst of change, the importance of being stable, resilient and dynamic, while focusing on leadership and innovation. Click here to read our new strategic plan.
We are also very excited about many new initiatives this past year, including celebrating the first graduates of our Autism Entry to School Program, creating innovative custom chair parts, and introducing new feeding intake sessions. You can read more in our Annual Report.
Our sincere appreciation to all staff and volunteers for the hard work, tenacity, and ingenuity, from our Board Directors and Committee Members, to our Family Advisory Council, Youth Advisory Council, and Youth Group. And thank you to our generous donors. All play an important role in our success. Thank you for your never-wavering passion to empower and inspire children, youth, and families.
Read our Annual Report.
Watch our Celebration Video.