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SmartStart Hub

Your one-stop shop to developmental services for children and youth in Windsor/Essex.

The SmartStart Hub at John McGivney Children’s Centre is one-stop point of entry for anyone with concerns about their child/youth’s development, and would like to explore available options and supports.

Let us help you get connected to the help you need.

To get started, please click here to go to our Intake Services page.

Who can refer to the SmartStart Hub?
Anyone can refer, including:
  • individuals
  • parents or legal guardians
  • healthcare providers
  • community agencies
You do not need a diagnosis or a physician's referral to access our HUB services!

Development Services are for families and caregivers who may be concerned about one or more of these areas:
  • a child/youth’s ability to move around
  • a child/youth’s ability to perform daily activities such as feeding/eating
  • a child/youth’s ability to understand other people or tell people what they want
  • a child/youth’s ability to get along with others, or the way their development impacts their ability to participate in activities

The SmartStart Hub will not be the only way to access services, and families will not have to go through the Hub to access other services across Windsor-Essex. You can contact any of the partner agencies directly. If you’re not sure which one, our new SmartStart Hub service will help get you to the right one.

Download our information flyers:

SmartStart Hub Partners
    Children's First LogoConnections Early Years Family Centre Logo   Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Logo    Windsor Essex County Health Unit

About SmartStart Hubs

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) introduced SmartStart Hubs in March 2022. They are the first step toward greater integration in the child development services system, under the leadership of Ontario's Children's Treatment Centres (CTCs). The John McGivney Children’s Centre is one of 22 CTCs in Ontario, and will be the SmartStart Hub for the Windsor/Essex region.

For more information about SmartStart Hubs, you can read the Ministry’s announcement here.   
