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Transition to Adulthood - Supports

Attendant Services, Respite, Housing & Independent Living Training

Amy's Helping Hands
Provides caregivers to meet your loved ones needs at home or in the community. Assistance with personal care, pre/post-surgery, respite, homemaking, and some transportation needs. There is a fee for service.
6566 Hawthorne Drive, Windsor, ON N8T 1J9
Phone: 519-915-4370  |

Assisted Living Southwestern Ontario (formerly APPD)
Offers a variety of in-home support services, as well as supportive living programs for persons 16+ with a physical disability. Must be able to self-direct own care.
3141 Sandwich Street, Windsor, ON N9C 1A7
Phone: 519-969-8188  |  Fax: 519-969-0390  |

Community Care Access Centre
CCAC provides attendant services to persons with physical disabilities according to specific criteria set out by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. Short Stay Program - offers caregivers up to 30 days of respite three times per year. Persons are cared for in a long-term care home. There is a daily fee. Contact CCAC for more information.
5415 Tecumseh Road East, 2nd Floor, Windsor, ON
Phone: 519-258-8211 or 519-310-2222

Gage Transition to Independent Living Program
Empowering those with physical disabilities to live independent lives.
The Gage Transition to Independent Living (GTIL) offers a community setting in uptown Toronto for people with disabilities to learn and practice independent living skills. Clients are selected for either a six or maximum 18 month 'transitional' program. Clients are provided with a one-bedroom apartment and access to on-site attendant services (24 hour) and health and life skills education.
West Park Healthcare Centre, 82 Buttonwood Avenue, Toronto ON M6M 2J5
Phone: 1-416-481-0868 ext. 229

Growing Up Ready Life Transitions Checklists
Young people and their families go through many changes as they grow up. The Growing Up Ready resources are designed to help children and youth with disabilities to get ready for adult life. A Timetable for Growing Up is a chart of things to think about at different ages and stages, starting from birth. The Skills for Growing Up Checklists are for use with children 7 years of age and older.

A non-profit transportation service for people who, because of a physical mobility problem, are unable to board the public transit system in the City of Windsor. There is an application process and a fee for service.
Phone: 519-966-0930  |

Harmony in Action
Harmony in Action provides day, evening and weekend activities for adults with physical and or developmental disabilities.
3939 Carmichael Street, Windsor, ON
Phone: 519-252-5871  |

Hype Summer Transition to University Program
A FREE, four-day summer transition program aimed to help students with disabilities make the transition from high school to university. Participants stay in residence for free (with meals provided), gain valuable exposure to the accommodation process, partake in workshops on beneficial learning strategies, adaptive technologies, the importance of self-advocacy, financial aid and much, much more. Attendees of HYPE will also get to participate in McMaster University's ALTITUDE ropes course.
1 Hunter Street E., Ground Floor, Hamilton, ON
Phone: 1-905-525-9140 ext. 24711  |

The Independence Program
For individuals with a disability that are 17-18 years of age or up to age 21 if in high school. This program is designed to increase independence and may include topics of meal preparation and cooking, money management and budgeting, public transit and community navigation, directing attendant care needs, recreation and social skills building and supported or independent living preparation.
Location: Ryerson University, Toronto – Pitman Hall Residence
Cost: approx. $2,000.00 *Financial assistance may be available
For more information, contact Natalie Timbrell
Phone: 416-425-6220 ext. 6451 | 1-800-363-2440 ext. 6451

Photo ID Card
For more information, go to the Ministry of Transportation website and search for "photo card". The card for individuals 16 years of age and over, will make it easier for people with a developmental disability who don't have a driver's license to do things that require official identification such as: apply for work, open bank accounts, and access government services. Designed with input from Ontarians with disabilities, seniors and advocacy groups, the card is similar to a driver's license. It includes the card holder's name, photo, signature, address, gender, and date of birth. It also has the same security features as a driver's license to help prevent fraud and identity theft.
Call toll-free at 1-800-387-3445 or dial TTY toll-free at 1-800-268-7095

Life Skills Training

Community Living Program
This is a joint program between Assisted Living Southwestern Ontario and St. Clair College.  This program is intended to develop the students' level of competency in the basic living skills necessary to be an independent member of society.  All courses are 10 weeks, 20 hours.  For further information regarding program referral, please call: 519-969-8188, ext. 228 or  519-972-2727, ext. 4501

