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Transition to Adulthood - Financial Support

Financial Supports

Developmental Services Ontario
Developmental Services Ontario helps adults with developmental disabilities connect to services and supports in their communities. To confirm if a person has a developmental disability, we will need to review a copy of a psychological assessment. We can help you, or someone you care for, to connect with available residential supports, caregiver respite, community participation supports (like recreation, volunteering, employment, or in-home supports), professional and specialized services, person-directed planning, and other supports to help people with developmental disabilities become more involved in their communities.
171 Queens Ave. Ste. 750, London, ON N6A5J7 
Phone: 519-945-3797  |

Direct Funding Program
Enables adults with a physical disability to become employers of their own attendants. Attendants assist with routine activities of living, such as dressing, transferring and toileting. Funded by: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Administered by: Centre for Independent Living in Toronto (CILT), Inc.
Phone: 1-800-345-9950  |

Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS): Ontario Disability Support Program -
Income Support

The Income Support component of the program provides financial assistance to help with basic needs and accommodation costs, up to the maximum amount allowed, for people 18 years of age or older who have a substantial physical or mental impairment that is continuous or recurrent and is expected to last one year or more and qualify financially. The amount of money you receive from the ODSP will vary depending upon your rent costs and family size. You may also be entitled to benefits such as drug and dental coverage, Community Start Up and Maintenance Benefits and Employment Start Up Benefits, or financial assistance for special diet requirements, special needs items as well as eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc.
270 Erie Street East, Windsor, ON
Phone: 519-254-1651  |

Windsor-Essex Brokerage for Personal Supports
Windsor-Essex Brokerage is a Central Access Point for persons with developmental disabilities who are transitioning into adulthood in Windsor and Essex County. Information and planning support regarding housing, employment, community opportunities, legalities, and financial planning is provided.
3357 Walker Road, Windsor, ON N8W 5J7
Phone: 519-966-8094  |

Financial Assistance for Home and Vehicle Modifications

Ontario March of Dimes: Home and Vehicle Modification Program
The HVMP provides funding for basic home and/or vehicle modifications to children and adults with disabilities that restrict mobility.
920 Commissioners Rd. East, London, ON N5Z 3J1
Phone: 1-866-496-5603 I Fax: 519-642-7665 I

Tax Credits, Financial Savings Plans, and Rebate Programs 

Disabled Property Tax Relief in Ontario
This program provides a 10% rebate on your municipal property taxes each year for owners of homes that are built or modified to accommodate persons with disabilities. This applies to people who would otherwise have to live in other premises where they can get special care. The exemption applies to any increase in value as a result of changes made to the exiting home after May 15, 1984 to accommodate an eligible person with a disability, or 10 percent of the assessed value of a new home that is built to provide housing. A Request for Reconsideration form is available from the MPAC website at or through the following link:
Phone: 1-866-296-MPAC (6722)
Ministry of Revenue: Refund of Sales Tax - Motor Vehicles
Under certain conditions a refund of retail sales tax may be obtained on certain licensed motor vehicles purchased for the purpose of transporting people with permanent physical disabilities. Tax paid on long term leases, those 12 months or longer, may also be refunded. Application forms are available at the Ministry of Finances or at the below website.
215 Eugeine Street West, Unit 103, Windsor, ON N8X 2X7
Phone: 519-250-0066
Application Form

Registered Disability Savings Plan
The RDSP is a long-term savings plan for Canadian residents who have a disability, who are under the age of 60, and who are eligible for the Disability Amount or Tax Credit. A matching Canadian Disability Savings Grant of up to $3,500 per year will be paid on eligible contributions made to an RDSP. The Government of Canada will also contribute a Canadian Disability Savings Bond of up to $1,000 per year to the RDSP of eligible Canadians who have a low or modest income, even if no contributions can be made.
Phone: 1-800-622-6232
