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Entry To School

By invitation only

The Entry to School (ETS) is a Ministry-funded Ontario Autism Program (OAP), and is free of charge. To find out if you qualify for these programs, please inquire through AccessOAP or through the Ontario Autism Program.

As a parent, planning for your child to enter school for the first time can be stressful. Our Entry to School Program can help make this transition easier and support families with children who are entering kindergarten or Grade 1 for the first time. 

Our Entry to School program includes two main parts. 

Part 1

This is a six-month, group-based, skill-building program that covers:
  • Communication - such as conversation, expressing wants and needs understanding words and language, social communication, and non-verbal communication
  • Play - such as toy exploration, and engaging in group play/games
  • Social interaction - such as understanding of social boundaries, interactions with peers, and learning new behaviours by observing/imitating peers
  • Functional routines - such as following classroom routines, and self-help skills such as dressing and toilet training
  • Behavioural self-management - such as emotional regulation and being able to wait their turn
  • Pre-academics, learning and attention - such as developing new learning skills, working within a group setting, and independent work
Our program is delivered by our highly qualified staff with expertise in:
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Speech-Language Pathology
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Early Childhood Development

Part 2

Our Part 2 provides children with important individual transition supports as they enter school. Families and educators can also access consultation services from our Entry to School program staff during your child’s first six months in school.

