September 7, 2021
As we continue to navigate the challenges and realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, our safety policies and protocols have served us well to keep everyone safe. At JMCC, we have taken our guidance from public health, the Ontario government, and our ministries, and we have all taken the utmost care in the best interests of our clients, and each other.
It is critical that we continue to keep COVID-19 safety a top priority. As a Children’s Treatment Centre, JMCC must protect those we serve. As a vulnerable population, many of our clients are at risk of severe illness should they contract COVID-19. Unfortunately, due to age and health status, many of our JMCC kids are not eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine. We know from recent data that approximately 80% of our clients are under 12 years of age and they do not currently have a vaccine available to them. This is why we must do everything we can to protect the kids and families we serve, and each other. It is why our health and safety protocols have been so stringent and it is why we advocated for early access to vaccines for our team members.
COVID-19 vaccines are a scientifically-proven key means in keeping COVID-19 at bay and in keeping ourselves, kids and families, and each other safe.
Given the responsibility we have toward our clients, and based on the directive received from MCCSS, JMCC implemented a COVID-19 Immunization Policy September 7, 2021 and subsequently an updated version on October 25, 2021. Read the Policy here.
Based on a recent survey, we anticipate that our vaccination rate will be very high. Staff who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated will be required to undergo rapid testing before being cleared to work.
We are committed to working with all of our team members to adhere to this policy. The policy will apply to all employees, contractors, volunteers and students of the Centre.
We are continuing to adhere to all existing health and safety protocols for any person attending the Centre, which includes social distancing, masking and pre-screening.
For our clients and their families, we recommend that only one parent/caregiver accompany a child to the appointment. Staff will review the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 with you and you will be asked to respect all physical distancing and associated safety guidelines. Our staff will be wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), appropriate for the work they are doing, according to public health guidelines. Also, we ask that all those entering the Centre, over the age of two, who are able, wear a mask or face covering. If you do not have one, we can provide you with one. For more information, please review our Keeping Everyone Safe document and our Keeping Everyone Safe at JMCC video.