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New Quality Standards for Transitions from Youth to Adult Health Care Services

March 10, 2022

Ontario Health Transitions from Youth to Adult Health Care Services

The transition from youth to adult health care services is a critical time when young people are at increased risk of negative health outcomes. While learning to manage their own health care, many young people must also change health care providers and adapt to new services, people, and processes. Too often, this transition is complicated by health system barriers, poor communication and coordination between youth and adult health care providers, a lack of person- and family-centred social supports and resources, and gaps in funding at the age of transition. As a result, the transition can be disorganized and disruptive to care continuity, and lead to preventable lapses in adherence to appropriate care, and a lack of follow-up after missed or delayed care. Either can result in avoidable hospital admissions, emergency department visits, and increased health system costs.

To improve this transition process, Ontario Health partnered with the Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health to assemble an advisory committee comprised of young people and caregivers, and clinical leaders from a broad range of sectors to develop the Transitions From Youth to Adult Health Care Services quality standard. Drawing on evidence from clinical guidelines and expert consensus, this quality standard includes six quality statements that address areas with high potential to improve transitions to adult care for young people in Ontario, including: early identification and transition readiness, information-sharing and support, the transition plan, coordinated transitions, introduction to adult services, and transfer completion.

The Transitions From Youth to Adult Health Care Services quality standard can be used to help patients, families, and caregivers know what to ask for in their care; to help health care professionals know what care they should be offering, based on evidence and expert consensus; and to help health care organizations measure, assess, and improve their performance in caring for patients. Please click here to read the quality standard in its entirety.


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