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Introducing our 2020-21 Board of Directors and Board Committee Members

October 6, 2020

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 The JMCC Board of Directors is made up of 12 volunteers who are dedicated to shaping the future of our Centre and improving the lives of children and youth with special needs and their families. At our 2019-20 Annual General meeting, the Board of Directors for 2020-2021 was announced as well as new appointments to our Board committees, which are made up of Board members, staff and community volunteers.

This year, the JMCC Board of Directors has a new President, Vince Laframboise and Vice-President, Ken Kapustiak. We are also pleased to welcome a new Board Member, Kevin Matte. 

"I am excited and honoured to be the President of the JMCC Board of Directors. I joined the Board five years ago and, in that time, I have served on the Governance Committee and most recently as the Vice-President of the Board. As a parent whose child received services from the Centre, I was able to witness the amazing expertise and talents of the staff here at JMCC. Our son and our family received so much support from the Centre - helping our son's abilities grow, guiding us as we navigated a challenging time and always being such a fantastic source of encouragement and support.  I feel truly privileged to be part of this organization as a member of the Board.  I find it rewarding to be part of this wonderful place and it is my pleasure to be able to give back. As the Board plans and advises on the direction of the Centre, we are committed to ensuring that the children, youth and families that we serve are at the forefront of where we are going. We will also continue to support our "All-Star" staff who are such tremendous advocates and supports for our clients and families. We are incredibly lucky to have these high-quality services available in our community and, as a Board of Directors, we are focused on ensuring that we continue to serve the needs of Windsor-Essex. " 
- Vince Laframboise, President, JMCC Board of Directors 

JMCC Board of Directors for 2020-2021: Please visit our Board of Directors page for short bios and photos of members.
Vince Laframboise (President)
Ken Kapustiak (Vice-President)
Steve Richards (Treasurer)
Liz Haugh (Past-President)
Danielle Campo-McLeod
Allan Cohen
Joanna Conrad
Patti Lauzon
Kevin Matte (new)
Gina Pittman
Kathleen Roberts
David Sundin

Our Board of Directors has five committees made of Board members, staff members and community members. This year, we welcome John-Marc Vachon to our Community Relations and Communications Committee, and Wiquar Husain to our Finance Committee.

Executive Committee
Vince Laframboise, President*
Liz Haugh, Past President
Ken Kapustiak, Vice President 
Steve Richards, Treasurer
Jessica Sartori, Secretary (non-voting)
*President sits on all Committees as ex-officio

Finance Committee
Steve Richards, Chair
Ken Kapustiak, Vice-Chair/Board Member
Liz Haugh, Board Member
Jessica Sartori, CEO, Staff Member
Lindsay Thiessen, Staff Member
Heather McFadden, Staff Member
Wiquar Husain, Community Member

Community Relations and Communications Committee
Patti Lauzon, Chair
Joanna Conrad, Vice-Chair/Board Member
Allan Cohen, Board Member
Liz Haug, Board Member
Jessica Sartori, CEO, Staff Member
Lindsay Thiessen, Staff Member
Danielle Friest, Staff Member
Andrea Fyall, Community Member
John-Marc Vachon, Community Member

Governance Committee
David Sundin, Chair
Kevin Matte, Vice-Chair/Board Member
Liz Haugh, Board Member
Danielle Campo-Mcleod, Board Member
Steve Richards, Board Member
Jessica Sartori, CEO, Staff Member
Nancy Gignac, Community Member

Quality Committee
Gina Pittman, Chair
Danielle Campo McLeod, Board Member/Vice-Chair
Kathleen Roberts, Board Member
Liz Haugh, Board Member
Jessica Sartori, CEO, Staff Member
Lindsay Thiessen, Staff Member
Lucy Coppola, Staff Member
Dawn Mulder, Staff Member
Dr. Julie Fraser, Community Member
Sarah Picco, Community Member
John Zangari, Community Member

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