Fall Message from the CEO
October 21, 2021

October 2021
Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits. - Samuel Butler
After a beautiful summer it is full speed ahead with lots of exciting projects and initiatives that I’m excited to share.
This past August The John McGivney Children’s Centre was thrilled at the announcement by the Ontario government that we, along with the other Children’s Treatment Centres across the province are receiving $4.1 million over the next four years towards early intervention programs. These additional dollars are vital to helping us meet the growing demand for our services, and we have great plans to use these funds towards our continued commitment of providing family-centred holistic care while helping our children and youth reach their full potential.
As we continue to navigate the challenges and realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, our protocols have served us very well in keeping everyone safe, including our comprehensive COVID-19 Immunization Policy. We are pleased to say that thus far 95.6% of our staff are fully compliant.
And finally, our five year Strategic Plan will be coming to conclusion in March 2022, and we have started the planning stages to develop our next five year plan. Strategic planning is hard work that requires mental, physical, and emotional energy from all our stakeholders, and it’s an exciting opportunity to think big picture, set priorities, and build a shared commitment between our board, staff, our children and youth, our families and our community. Stay tuned!
Looking forward to a great fall season, and beyond!
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