2023 Review of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act - Seeking Feedback
June 8, 2023

The Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA) is the primary legislation governing child, youth and family services that are provided, funded or licensed by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. This includes services such as:
- child welfare
- youth justice services
- secure treatment
- children’s developmental services
- out-of-home care services (also known as residential services)
- community support services (including prevention services, counselling or mental health supports)
- adoption services
Every five years, the Ministry is required to formally review the act and publicly report on the findings of the review.
You do not have to provide any identifying information about yourself, including what services you are receiving or might have received. If you choose to share personal information, it will be collected and kept private according to Ontario privacy legislation.
There are two ways to participate: Fill out an online survey, or mail / email your feedback.
For more information and to participate,
please visit the 2023 Review of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) web page. Return to News